My alter-ego in RL has to work today, so I'm taking some time to relax here in SL. I love sitting up in the greenhouse and enjoying the calm and the sounds of the fountains. I also like the wildlife, as long as she doesn't start eating all the plants. SL is great about allowing you to use all sorts of things as furniture. Our large rabbit here, Couch, is very relaxing. I don't think an extra large bunny would work well in RL as a den sofa. Keeping it clean would be an issue because she is probably a bit large for the bath tub. I don't think rabbits like water anyway. The Bunny Chow would also get expensive. I like not having to feed the den furniture. I'm glad I can enjoy such fun furniture here in SL and not having to deal with the drawbacks from RL. Have a great week everyone!
Never Have I SLever Part 2: The Mile High Club
8 years ago